W-L's Global Health Club
Welcome to Glohea at Washington-Liberty!

What is Global Health?

Watch this video to get a good understanding! What is Global Health?

What new opportunities will I have in this club?

Meet other students who are also interested in global health, engage in community health projects, meet medical professionals, and listen to their experiences for helpful advice.

Glohea Chapter Summary

“Glohea at Washington-Liberty High School is a chapter of Glohea Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working to increase youth involvement in global health and to develop the next generation of leaders in global health and medicine. Glohea holds the annual Global Health Leaders Conference at Johns Hopkins University through its university chapter Glohea at JHU, and manages the Pre-Collegiate Global Health Review, the first international, peer-reviewed global health publication for authors in secondary school."

Image taken from Arlington Public Schools.